About Us

How and why it all started...

You see the cute doggy on our logo? That’s my Toven. He was the first ever dog that I’ve had.  My sister was the one who picked him at the Utah Humane Society in Murray Utah, and at first he and I didn’t really get along.  But soon, he and I became best friends to each other and I took very good care of him as if he was my own little brother. 

Toven my first ever dog

After 8 happy years with our family he unfortunately crossed the rainbow bridge in June of 2017.  He was first diagnosed with a malignant tumor growing on this neck around March of 2017 and the vet at the animal hospital told me that he has about 3 months to live and he indeed passed away after 3 months.

This 3 months was the most difficult and painful 3 months that I had to endure so far in my life.  I tried everything I can with my ability and spent A LOT of money to save him and when I realized that things weren’t working, I was devastated and broke down to the ground.  I was always worried about having to see him go, but I never thought taking care of a sick dog and going through his death would be so difficult and heart breaking.  On the night of June 9th he passed away and I was relieved of my stress and was happy for Toven as he no longer had to suffer from his pain.

Toven's last moments

The day that Toven died also was my last day at the current position that I had at the time at the University of Utah Hospital before moving on to a different position with in the same organization where I’d be working with a different manager and co-workers.  Jacob who was a co-worker of mine told me that he’d buy me lunch for my last day of working with him.  He was one of few person who knew what I was going through and tried to help me feel better.

During our lunch, among other things we talked about, he asked me a very important question.  “What will make you happy right now?” My answer to the question was “I’d be happy if my dog was healthy again”. 

A few days prior, when I had hit rock bottom mentally as Toven’s health was not improving despite everything I was trying, I had another opportunity to ask myself a few questions in attempt to find something to make me happy and feel better.  First question was “if someone handed me a billion dollars right now, would I be happy?” also “if someone gave me my dream car for free, would I be happy?”  The answer to both question was “no” because at the time, nothing would make me happy because my dog was facing his end.

One other thing I’ve been asking myself was why is this happening to me?  Why is my dog sick and dying?  Why are some of my friends and family suffering from illnesses?..  After my lunch with Jacob, a light bulb went off in my head, I thought maybe I am here in this world to do something about the problem that I face right now.  I was not a doctor nor a vet, but I was an experienced cook as I grew up in a restaurant owning family with over 15 years of experience working in a kitchen who happened to be very interested in health and nutrients. 

First thing I instinctively did actually when Toven was diagnosed with his illness was looking up certain types of ingredients and nutrient that could help him fight off his cancerous tumor and I immediately got him off the commercial dog food I bought at the store.  With that said, I decided to put my cooking skills to work and help people and animals live a happier and healthier lives by eating healthy food and a healthy life style.

companion's fresh dog food

That is why and how Companion’s Fresh was started.  Making and offering fresh pet food in hopes to give our pets longer, happier and healthier years with us by feeding them what they really want and need.  We even hope to expand the life span of our pet companions with healthy diet and life style so that we can squeeze the best moments together as long as we can with them.  That is our mission and we really hope you give us a try.  We promise that you will not regret it.

Dax and Hali

We'd love for you and your pets to join me and my pups Dax and Hali in achieving our aspiring goal! 

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